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Air Force Office Of Special Investigations Det 206

Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI): Uncovering the Secrets

AFOSI: The Guardians of Air Force Integrity

The Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) is the Air Force's elite investigative arm, responsible for safeguarding the service and its members from threats and breaches.

Diverse Capabilities, Unwavering Mission

AFOSI's comprehensive capabilities include:

  • Counterintelligence and espionage detection
  • Criminal investigations (e.g., theft, fraud, assault)
  • Cybercrime mitigation and response
  • Insider threat detection and prevention
  • Protection of critical technologies and information

A History of Excellence

AFOSI's roots can be traced back to the dawn of the Air Force in 1947. Throughout its history, the organization has played a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the service, uncovering countless threats and ensuring the safety of Air Force personnel and assets.

Protecting the Air Force from Within and Without

AFOSI agents work tirelessly to investigate and neutralize threats to the Air Force from both internal and external sources. They conduct covert operations, analyze intelligence, and collaborate with other law enforcement agencies to ensure the service's security.

The Air Force Office of Special Investigations is a vital asset to the Air Force, providing essential investigative services that safeguard the service from threats and protect its members. Its highly trained agents and unwavering commitment to excellence make AFOSI a cornerstone of the Air Force's integrity and security.
